
Red sorghum Learn more about Red sorghum

  • How much is the price of red sorghum per jin?

    How much is the price of red sorghum per jin?

    Sorghum is one of the economic crops in China, which can be used to make sorghum wine. Sorghum grain becomes sorghum rice after processing, which can be used to make noodles, noodle fish, noodle rolls, pancakes, steamed cakes, sticky cakes and so on. So how much is the price of red sorghum per jin? Now plant sorghum.

    2020-11-08 Red sorghum price more less money one jin sorghum yes our country
  • Black soil planted red sorghum tannin high wine double fragrance

    Black soil planted red sorghum tannin high wine double fragrance

    Black soil planted red sorghum tannin high wine double fragrance

  • Sorghum planting: what is sorghum bacterial red streak?

    Sorghum planting: what is sorghum bacterial red streak?

    What is sorghum bacterial red streak? Please introduce the main damage to leaves caused by bacterial red streak of red sorghum. At first, the leaf spot showed a small, narrow, watery spot, and after expansion, it became light reddish brown. Some plaques turn brown in the center and red on the edges, and wide long oval spots appear intermittently on the stripes. Sometimes the plaque can be covered.

  • What are the symptoms of sorghum bacterial red streak?

    What are the symptoms of sorghum bacterial red streak?

    What are the symptoms of sorghum bacterial red streak? Please introduce that the symptoms of sorghum bacterial red streak disease are mainly harmful to leaves. At first, the leaf spot showed a small, narrow, watery spot, and after expansion, it became light reddish brown. Some plaques turn brown in the center and red on the edges, and wide long oval spots appear intermittently on the stripes. There is.

  • How is sorghum bacterial streak disease?

    How is sorghum bacterial streak disease?

    What is the bacterial streak of sorghum? Please introduce the symptoms of sorghum bacterial streak, which are mainly harmful to sorghum leaves and leaf sheaths. The disease spot forms a light red to light purplish red stripe along the leaf vein, about 1-3mm wide. A few varieties are yellowish brown, the disease spot is bright, not immersed in water, different from bacterial red stripe disease. The disease spot for a long time.

  • Sorghum pests: introduction to the eggs of red bugs and larvae, how to control sorghum bugs

    Sorghum pests: introduction to the eggs of red bugs and larvae, how to control sorghum bugs

    How to control the sorghum bug?

  • The benefit of interplanting Dictyophora in sorghum field by 300000

    The benefit of interplanting Dictyophora in sorghum field by 300000

    The benefit of interplanting Dictyophora in sorghum field by 300000

  • Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum aphids?

    Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum aphids?

    How to control sorghum aphids? Please introduce effective control methods. Sorghum aphids are the main pests on sorghum. Most of the body colors are light yellow and a few are purplish red. It gathers on the back of the leaves and gradually spreads from the bottom leaves to the middle and upper leaves to absorb juice. It seriously harms the growth and development of sorghum. ...

  • Sorghum planting: what is sorghum purple spot disease?

    Sorghum planting: what is sorghum purple spot disease?

    What is sorghum purple spot? How to prevent it? Sorghum purple spot mainly occurs in the middle and late stages of sorghum growth, damaging leaves and leaf sheaths. Scabs purplish red, oval or oblong, mostly limited to parallel veins, sometimes pale purple halo, gray mold layer on the back of the leaf spot, leaf sheath...

  • Where is the producing area of sorghum? How much is the price per jin?

    Where is the producing area of sorghum? How much is the price per jin?

    Sorghum belongs to the chestnut of millet, bean, hemp, wheat and rice. Sorghum has been a major food crop in China for a long time. Sorghum, as the raw material of liquor, has always been very popular in the market. Sorghum requires higher temperature than corn. So, Gao

    2020-11-09 Sorghum origin where price more less money one jin sorghum
  • How to select sorghum seeds? What are the breeding methods?

    How to select sorghum seeds? What are the breeding methods?

    From the perspective of grain crops, most of our friends in most areas may know wheat and rice better, but sorghum rice can also be used as food. Before planting sorghum, you need to select the seeds first. Let's learn them together. 1. How to select sorghum seeds?(

    2020-11-27 sorghum seeds how seed selection have which seedling method from
  • Sorghum bacterial red streak

    Sorghum bacterial red streak

    The main symptoms are damage to leaves. At first, the leaf spot showed a small, narrow, watery spot, and after expansion, it became light reddish brown. Some plaques turn brown in the center and red on the edges, and wide long oval spots appear intermittently on the stripes. Sometimes the disease spot can cover most of the leaf area. When the humidity is high, the pus of the small granular bacterial vaccine can be seen to overflow and dry.

  • The latest course of Sorghum Seedling raising techniques and methods

    The latest course of Sorghum Seedling raising techniques and methods

    Sorghum is one of the most important food crops in China, which is planted all over the country. the seedling strength of sorghum determines the yield and quality of sorghum. It also determines the economic benefits of farmers. So how can we cultivate strong seedlings of sorghum? Let's come together next.

    2020-11-10 The latest sorghum seedlings techniques methods tutorials yes
  • Seedling raising techniques of Sorghum

    Seedling raising techniques of Sorghum

    Seedling raising techniques of Sorghum

  • Sorghum anthracnose

    Sorghum anthracnose

    Symptom the disease is an important disease of sorghum, which occurs in all producing areas of sorghum. The disease can be infected from seedling stage to adult stage. Infection at seedling stage is harmful to leaves, resulting in withered leaves and death of sorghum seedlings. The disease spot of the leaf is fusiform, the middle is reddish brown, the edge is purplish red, and there are dense small black spots on the disease spot, that is, the pathogen conidium disk. Anthrax.

  • Seed price and planting method of sorghum

    Seed price and planting method of sorghum

    Seed price and planting method of sorghum

  • Soil requirements of Sorghum

    Soil requirements of Sorghum

    Rice red blight, which is called "red blight" of rice, is a common physiological disease in rice production. The yield of rice after sitting has a great impact, generally resulting in a yield reduction of 10% to 20%, and a serious yield reduction of more than 50%. According to the survey, the perennial area of our district is about 40,000 mu, accounting for about 10% of the rice planting area. This year, 4.

  • The latest Sorghum seed Price and planting methods

    The latest Sorghum seed Price and planting methods

    Sorghum is one of the common cash crops, also known as sorghum, peach millet, millet, etc., which is an annual herb of Gramineae sorghum. It is widely cultivated in China, with the most in Northeast China. Sorghum grains are eaten for food and wine, and sugar sorghum stalks can be used to make syrup or raw food.

    2020-11-10 The latest sorghum seeds prices and planting methods yes
  • Chemical control of sorghum rust

    Chemical control of sorghum rust

    Symptoms Sorghum rust begins to develop around heading. Red or purple to light brown spots were formed on the leaves, and then the spots expanded with the expansion of the pathogen, and oval raised urediospores were formed on the surface of the leaves. After cracking, brown powder, namely urediospores, was exposed. In the late stage, winter spores form in situ...

  • How do growers respond to the continuous decline in sorghum prices in 2014?

    How do growers respond to the continuous decline in sorghum prices in 2014?

    Since the beginning of 2014, the price of sorghum has continued to decline because of last year's high price. As of December 9, the purchase price of new sorghum grain remained at 1.00 yuan per jin, down 11% from September, while the shipping price of old grain and net grain fell by as much as 22%. Sorghum price in 2014

    2016-03-20 In 2014 sorghum prices continued declining growers how to deal with